Engineering Intro

Statistical Presentation Of Data | Bar Graph | Pie Graph | Line Graph | Example

For easy understanding the variations in data. After the collection and tabulation of data, it can be represented by a graph. Most common graphs are

  1. Bar graphs
  2. Pie graphs
  3. Line graphs

Bar Graph

Bar graph represents the relation between class interval/group and frequency of that particular class interval.

Pie Graph

It is a circular chart that is divided into a number of sectors. For representing data in a pie graph, circle is divided into sectors.


The number of bedrooms on each floor of a 15 storey building is given as:

1 2 4 3 2 5 6 5 4 5 2 5 6 6 3


For pie graph presentation, divide 360 degrees by 15. Because 360 is an angle of a full circle.

360/15 = 24 degrees


Line Graph

The simplest type of graphs is the line graph. Most commonly used when given data is in the form of grouped frequency.

Along x-axis is the group number and along y-axis is the frequency with respect to each separate group.

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