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Should you invest in Venetian plaster application?

Venetian plaster is a desired building material due to its unparalleled aesthetics and durability. The building material is a mix of crushed marble, and powdered lime applied in thin layers and polished to achieve a glossy finish. Venetian plaster is applied in steps starting with a primer, followed by many layers of the plaster, and finished with a sealant or wax. Besides standing the test of time, Venetian plaster is an excellent building material for many reasons. Here is why you should invest in Venetian plaster.

  1. Easy Maintenance: Venetian plaster requires little maintenance and upkeep. It is the preferred building material among many developers, builders, and homeowners. The material is highly durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions. Although your Venetian plaster will not become visibly dirty, it will require some cleaning to make it shine. You will need some water, and mild soap applied to a cloth to remove any dirt or debris.
  1. Durable: Venetian plaster became an excellent building material in the Roman era, where it was commonly found all over Venice. The material’s elegance, sophistication, easy upkeep, and innovative, layered technique help its strength and sturdiness. Venetian plaster differs from other building materials primarily because of its pleasing appearance and practicality.
  1. Environmentally Friendly: The materials used to create Venetian plaster are all-natural, making it eco-friendly. The Venetian plaster is an excellent investment for your employee’s or family’s health since it allows air quality. The material can also repel mold and other fungi since lime is its primary component. The many steps involved in its installation act as insulation that enables your property to retain heat in winter and cool in summer. For this reason, the material allows you to minimize your air conditioning usage.
  1. Usage: Venetian plaster is commonly used in decorative spaces but can also be used in outdoor applications. You can cover all the walls, but professional builders recommend using it on a single wall. However, the wall you choose should be darker than the rest of the room. Colors such as white, beige, or gray stand out and give a new style to your room’s primary walls. Venetian plaster creates a visually attractive design that enhances your room’s height, creating a visual nearness.
  1. Application: The application process is straightforward. Start by checking whether the walls are in good condition, free of dust, and without cracks. Mix the Venetian plaster with your preferred dye in a bucket. Apply the first coat of Venetian plaster evenly so the surface is as smooth as possible, and leave it to dry. Apply a second coat and let it dry for 24 hours, then use a cloth to wipe off the dust. Apply a third coat, but leave points of the wall or ceiling unfilled. Allow drying for 30 minutes before applying a layer of wax to polish the wall.

Venetian plaster continues to be a decorative trend, meaning it is an ideal investment. The material has a marble appearance but is more cost-effective and thinner so that you save on floor space when installed on walls.

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